Click-through rate (CTR)

What is Click-through rate (CTR)?

Click-through rate (CTR) is a metric for measuring how many clicks a web page or ad receives, as a percentage of the total number of impressions it has had. It is often used to evaluate the effectiveness of an online advertising campaign or the overall performance of a website. A higher CTR indicates that the content or ads are compelling and relevant to users.

Why is it important for companies to track CTR?

Tracking CTR is important as it helps to evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and identify areas for improvement. By analyzing the CTR of different ads or pages, brands can optimize their content to increase engagement and convert more viewers.

Why does CTR help with conversion rate optimisation?

In conversion rate optimisation (CRO), improving the CTR of a website or landing page can lead to an increase in conversions. By testing different variations of headlines, images, and call-to-actions, companies can identify the best-performing elements and create a more effective user experience.