CRO Audit

Learn how much more you could make through conversion rate optimisation.

Start with the basics

Calculate the current conversion rate of your website

Calculate your annual conversion rate by dividing conversions made (sales, signups, calls etc.) by the number of people who visited your site. (If you only have monthly figures use those instead)

Your conversion rate is

The average website conversion rate is 2.35%.


Your conversion rate

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Compare your conversion rate to your industry average

To be competitive, you’ll need to exceed your industry’s average conversion rate.

average conversion rate is:


conversion rate

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Conversion rate optimisation FAQs

What is a conversion rate?

A conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to a website who take a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form for more information. It is often used to measure the effectiveness of an online marketing campaign for a particular website. For example, if a website receives 100 visitors in a day and two of them make a purchase, the conversion rate would be 2%. Conversion rates can be calculated for any desired action on a website, not just making a purchase.

What is the conversion rate formula?

The digital marketing conversion rate formula is:

Digital Marketing Conversion Rate = Number of conversions / Number of visitors

For example, if a website receives 100 visitors in a day and three of them make a purchase, the digital marketing conversion rate would be:

Digital Marketing Conversion Rate = 3 / 100 = 3%

You can also calculate the digital marketing conversion rate for a specific period of time, such as a week or a month, by using the number of conversions and visitors over that time period.

It's important to note that the digital marketing conversion rate can be affected by a variety of factors, such as the design of the website, the quality of the products or services being offered and the overall user experience. By improving these factors, you can potentially increase the digital marketing conversion rate of your website.

What is conversion rate optimisation (CRO)?

Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) is a process of improving the number of visitors to your site who complete a desired action, such as purchasing a product, signing up for a service or giving you a call. It involves testing web design and copy to see what works and what doesn’t.

How does conversion rate optimisation work?

Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) is a simple process of evaluating data, testing, learning and implementing new ideas to understand what makes people convert and replicating those actions.

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For example, maybe you think your visitors look at your homepage and then leave, giving you a high bounce rate. We’ll look at the data and see what people do respond to, using tools like heat maps and link tracking.

We’ll then create a theory to test - perhaps the call to action to go visit isn’t obvious enough, or your website menu isn’t clear enough. We’ll implement some changes, making sure to A/B test them so we can see exactly what your visitors like.

Once we’ve run our test, we’ll analyse the results and make the changes that improve conversions the most. Over time, this will hone your website into a finely-tuned marketing tool, getting your visitors to convert quickly and easily.

By testing theories, analysing data and measuring progress, we can remove the guesswork of what works and what doesn’t. Best of all, by investing in your conversion rate optimisation, you’re able to make more with what you have.

What is a good conversion rate?

This depends on what you count as a conversion, your current rate and your industry average.

Ideally, your conversions - sales, sign ups, calls - make you money. If one call can pay you thousands of pounds in revenue, then a low conversion rate isn’t so bad.

However, if you need multiple sales or sign ups to make money, a low conversion rate is going to have a negative impact on your bottom line.

Additionally, if your competition is meeting or exceeding your industry average, they’re likely making more than you are - so keeping up with your competitors is also important.

You can compare yourself to your industry average conversion rate with our free conversion rate calculator.

Why is conversion rate optimisation important?

Most businesses throw a lot of money at marketing and advertising in the hope that they’ll attract enough people to convert. However, if your website is slow, confusing or even broken, then all that outreach budget is wasted. A whopping 60% of marketing budget is wasted on average - meaning there’s little ROI on outreach.

By optimising your site - making sure it gives users what they want when they want and guiding them to conversion - you can make more money with what you already have. Instead of spending money on outreach, you can spend it on making sure each and every person who visits your site completes the actions that make you money.

Just think - if every person who visited your site bought something, signed up or gave you a call, how much more would you be making?

You can find out exactly how much more you’d make using our conversion rate calculator. Get a free website analysis and start making more with what you have.

How do I calculate my website’s conversion rate?

It’s easy - use our free conversion rate calculator to find out and to see how you stack up against your industry average. We also throw in a free website analysis with tips on how to improve.

What’s the difference between conversion rate optimisation (CRO) and search engine optimisation (SEO)?

Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) is about making your website journey more effective at converting customers. Search engine optimisation (SEO) is about making your website more appealing and visible to search engines such as Google.

CRO can involve SEO, as your visitors may find your website through a search engine results page, but each process has a different purpose.

What are the best ways to increase your website's conversion rate?

There are several ways to increase your website's conversion rate. Here are a few simple strategies to get you started:

  • Make it mobile-friendly: Mobile is increasingly the device of choice for your visitors. Make sure your website is optimised for mobile so you don't lose potential customers when they visit your site.
  • Use high-quality images, videos and graphics: Your visitors need to feel engaged quickly. High-quality visual elements can help to make the user experience more engaging than a wall of text.
  • Use social proof: Your potential customers trust social proof that your brand is reliable and good value. Presenting website visitors with great customer reviews, testimonials and social media follower counts can establish trust and increase your conversions.
  • Make your value proposition clear: How does your product or service benefit your customers? Make any unique selling points and your value proposition clear from the get-go.
  • Simplify your checkout process: The more steps there are to complete a purchase, the greater the customer effort and them more likely it is that they abandon their visit. Make it as easy as possible for potential customers to complete purchases.
  • Optimise for search engines: If your potential visitors can't find you by searching online, you're less likely to be able to reach new audiences. Work on your website's SEO and increase your chances of capturing traffic.

More complex approaches could include:

  • Utilise A/B testing: Creating two or more versions of key web pages and testing them to see which has the best conversion rate is a good way of trying out theories on what will make your website more effective.
  • Retarget visitors: Showing ads to visitors who've already visited your site once can help to encourage them to return and make a purchase.
  • Provide a live chat options: Sometimes people need more information to take the final conversion step - offering live chat can help give them the details they need in real-time.
  • Offer personalised recommendations: Personalising the content that your visitors see helps to encourage them to make purchases and increase your conversion rate. When they see items or services they're more likely to use, the chances of engaging them is increased.