Hick’s Law
Sometimes referred to as the Hick-Hyman Law, this law outlines the amount of time a person will need to make a decision. The more possible choices they’re presented with, the more time it will take for them to make a decision.
Relevant Terms
Fitt’s Law
This law is a predictive model for how a user will move in a human-computer interaction. It states that the time to move quickly to a specific area is affected by the distance between start and finish and how large the target is.
UX Design Principles
Jakob’s Law
This law states that web users prefer new sites they visit to act in a similar way to other sites they use. The familiarity makes the new site easier to use.
UX Design Principles
User Experience (UX)
User experience encompasses how a user perceives their interactions with a website, or product, or system. Every interaction a user has will factor into their overall user experience.