Are you looking to increase the conversion rate of your website? Converting website visitors into customers more effectively is an important process for businesses to succeed, and there are a variety of tactics you can use to achieve this.

10 free tips for increasing your website conversion rate.

1. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly

With the increasing use of mobile devices to browse the web, it's important to ensure that your website is optimised for mobile. This means that it should be easy to use and navigate on a smartphone or tablet.

Google has stated that mobile-friendliness is a ranking factor, which means the more mobile-friendly your website is, the more likely it is to place higher in search results. Being mobile-first is important not just for conversion rate optimisation and SEO, but also for user experience.

Extra free hint: You can use the Google Mobile-Friendly Test tool to check if your website is mobile-friendly right now.

2. Use high-quality images and videos

Visual elements can help to improve the user experience and make your website more engaging. Using high-quality images and videos can also help to build trust with your visitors, who want to be able to see your products clearly. Make sure to use relevant and professional-looking images and videos that accurately represent your brand and products.

Extra free hint: don't use the same stock images as everyone else - you can use Google Images to search for royalty-free or license-free images that are specific for what you need.

3. Demonstrate social proof

Showcasing customer reviews, testimonials, and social media follower numbers can help to build trust and increase conversions. Seeing that others have already purchased a product or service from your brand and liked it can help to assuage any fears that your offering isn't legitimate or worth the money.

Extra free hint: Follow up all your purchases with an email or post-sale survey that asks for their opinion on their purchasing experience or their product.

4. Make your value proposition a main feature

When designing your website, writing your product descriptions or crafting your marketing message, you need to take a benefits-led approach to catch your audience's attention. What are the benefits of your product or service, and what does it mean specifically for your audience?

Extra free hint: Ask your current or potential customers what they were looking for when they found your offering. What convinced them to purchase or what held them back from buying?

5. Modify your checkout process

Even with the most keen buyer in the world, a terrible checkout process that causes a lot of friction can be the nail in the coffin of a purchase. You want to remove all the obstacles from a buyer's journey, with clear signs on how to get to the next step and all the information they might need in one place.

Extra free hint: Sometimes just the act of having to sign up for an account can stop a purchase in its tracks. Offer a guest checkout to capture those who want to make their purchase faster.

__6. Try A/B testing __

Sometimes getting the best results means testing out some theories about what works on your website and what doesn't. A/B testings - or creating two versions of a web page and testing which one performs better for conversions - is an excellent way to find out.

Extra free hint: Google Optimize is a free tool that you can use to conduct A/B tests on your website.

__7. Use search engine optimisation (SEO) to your advantage __

It's no good having a brilliant set of products or services if no one can find them. Working on your website's search engine optimisation increases the chances of your audience finding your brand when they're searching on the web. Handily, it doesn't have to cost you anything to increase your traffic and conversions through SEO - just finding and using relevant, targeted keywords for your audience can improve your chances. By improving your search engine optimization (SEO), you can increase the chances of your website ranking highly in search results, which can lead to more traffic and conversions. Make sure to use relevant and targeted keywords in your website's content and meta data, and create high-quality and informative content. Utilizing header tags and alt text for images can also help to improve your SEO.

Extra free hint: There are plenty of free tools to help you see how you're doing in terms of SEO - try Neil Patel's free SEO Checker.

8. Target your audience more than once

You can use the information you learn from your website visitors to serve them increasingly relevant adverts. Retargeting means showing ads to prior visitors, helping to remind them of the products they were interested in even after they've left your website. Sometimes that's all the prompting they need to make a purchase, increasing your conversions.

Extra free hint: You can use Google Ads and Facebook Ads to retarget customers easily.

9. Utilise live chat

If customers have questions but can't find the answers right away, it can put them off taking the final step of making a purchase. Using a live chat function can help smooth out any pain points in the customer journey, build trust and increase conversions.

Extra free hint: You can always have the option for customers to leave a message or arrange a call back if you can't staff the live chat 24/7.

10. Make personalised recommendations

With enough data, you can figure out the right products or services to serve to each of your audience demographics. This helps to maximise your chances of a sale, as they're more likely to find something that interests them quickly.

Extra free hint: You can get in touch with us to find out how to do this!

How One Shot Digital can help you boost your website conversion rate

Even if you're collecting vast amounts of data, actually distilling useful insights from the information you have can be overwhelming. We're here to help your money go further and transform your website into a revenue-generating marketing tool.

Get in touch to find out more, or book in a free strategy consultation now.